Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Power Issue 2014: Health

In this issue's Health story, social editor Chloe Malle covers the evil that comes in the form of dairy product.  According to everyone from fashion publicists for Balenciaga to Dr. John McDougall and nutritional biochemist T. Colin Campbell, dairy can cause everything from simply feeling bloated to getting symptoms that lead to being diagnosed with osteoporosis.  To put it more simply, "Dairy just slows you down," (Claire Distenfeld).

This is extremely relative to my life because I am a vegetarian.  That being said, most of us consume a pretty significant amount of dairy.  When you don't eat meat, there is only a select amount of food left for you to eat.  Most vegetarians I know tend to replace their meats with dairy products, whether they are aware of it or not.  I know I am guilty of this at times.  Other than yogurt and the occasional ice cream or cheese topping, I don't consume that much dairy, but I do tend to have issues with being bloated, digestion, and oily skin.  This article made me wonder if eliminating the little bit of dairy I do intake would also eliminate these problems, or at the very least cause them to decrease significantly.

In order to write this article, Chloe Malle had to try out being dairy-free to see if it actually makes a difference in health and appearance, which she concluded it absolutely does.  She noticed changes in the quality and glow of her skin and level of her energy in just ten days without dairy product consumption.  This has inspired me to try being dairy-free, and I encourage you to do the same.

As of tomorrow, March 6, I will try living without dairy.  After 10 days, I will report back to you guys and let you know how it affects my life.

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