Sunday, March 16, 2014

Dairy-Free Overview

If you've been following, those of you reading are aware that this marks the 10th day of me being dairy-free.  I guess now's a good a time as any to let you know how this diet has been for me. (Keep in mind that I was already a vegetarian, so this was actually a vegan diet for me).

It was extremely difficult.  It's impossible to even be aware of how much dairy you consume each day until you have to stop.  I'm sure most of you are like me in that, you just had no idea how much you really do eat.  I thought I wasn't even taking that much in to begin with, but it's in practically EVERYTHING.  Not eating meat made this a lot more difficult for me, because that really doesn't leave a lot of food groups for me to choose from.  

It was particularly hard to stay healthy because of this.  The only foods I could really eat were fruits, vegetables, and grains.  It's easy to assume an unhealthy diet based on those guidelines, but I did my best.  As far as the dairy goes: I did notice significant improvement in the quality of my skin.  It is now clearer, smoother, and brighter.  It definitely made a huge difference.  

Do I suggest to cut dairy out of your diet?  I say, to each his own.  Personally, I am not going to permanently cut out dairy, but that is because I don't eat meat.  Perhaps it would be much easier to cut out dairy if you eat meat regularly, but I would have no way of knowing this.  However, this cleanse has shown me how much nicer my skin can look with just a diet adjustment, so I am going to cut back on dairy significantly.  I will still be eating my eggs every once in a while and yogurt...and of course the occasional ice cream.  But I will try to only eat dairy twice a week, three times maximum.  If there is anyone else out there who has tried this kind of change in diet or a change similar to this one, please feel free to comment and share your personal experience!

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